Everything in the Universe begins with stars!


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Scientific Online Conference CATS 2025: Comets, Asteroids, exoplanetary Transits, and variable Stars

16–18 May 2025

Conference Topics: Variable stars, exoplanets, asteroids, and comets.

Conference Goal: To provide young researchers with valuable international experience, practical exposure to working with TESS telescope data, and insights into the study of asteroids, comets, exoplanets, and variable stars.

Organising Committee:

  1. Iryna Kaban
  2. Anastasiia Kormanovska

Conference Programme: will be announced later.

Working Language: English.

Maximum Number of Speakers: 30.

Registered Participants’ Presentation Duration: 15 minutes + 5 minutes for Q&A.

Invited Speakers’ Presentation Duration: 30 minutes + an additional 5–10 minutes for Q&A.

Number of Attendees: Unlimited.

Researchers invited to participate as speakers include:

  • Experienced scientists conducting research on variable stars, exoplanets, asteroids, and comets.
  • Young researchers taking their first steps in studying the aforementioned topics.

We also invite all interested individuals to join as listeners who wish to learn more about variable stars, exoplanets, asteroids, and comets and participate in discussions.

Pre-registration is MANDATORY for all participant categories. To register, please complete the application form using this link by 16 April 2025. Speakers may also submit their abstracts by this date.

Participation in the conference is FREE.

Note #1: The organising committee’s firm position is that russians, as representatives of a terrorist state, are NOT allowed to participate in the conference!

Note #2: All participants of the TESS-UA research project have priority for oral presentations.

Abstract Publication: will be announced later.

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