Everything in the Universe begins with stars!

About us

Astronomy is a science in which anyone patient and inquisitive enough can make discoveries, as its field of research — the Universe itself — is boundless. It is a field of knowledge that, while it is very complex and intersects with almost all branches of science, also includes types of research that schoolchildren can easily undertake. It is one of the oldest sciences in human history, and at the same time, more research has been conducted in the last 25 years than in all previous millennia combined.

Astronomy is a topic that deserves to become socially significant. And it is a science where Ukraine can truly thrive. And we, the CSF, will contribute to this.
We are a team of initiative, talented and enthusiastic volunteers – individuals from different professions and interests. This is what makes us unique and unites us around a common goal that is important to each of us – to improve Ukrainian astronomy in the field of education and science.

If anyone believes our goal is impossible, we demonstrate the contrary every day: we have already implemented and continue to implement various projects – both large and small – and we continue to move forward, towards new achievements and discoveries!

CSF Structure

CSF Structure

The Board of Department Managers

This structural unit, in collaboration with the CEO, is responsible for planning and developing a current list of tasks for a predetermined period, as well as coordinating the interdepartmental work. In addition, the Department Managers exchange experiences and significantly optimize their teams’ operation.

Analytical Department

Its members conduct both internal and external research. Internal research focuses on optimizing team operations and accumulating experience, while external research explores broader and more general topics to identify the root causes of problems and develop plans for their resolution.

Scientific Department

Members of this department conduct their own scientific research and instruct students on how to carry out scientific projects. They develop programs for analyzing astronomical observations and other academic purposes, as well as organize and host scientific conferences.

Educational Department

Members of this department create educational materials such as books, manuals, videos, etc. They teach students involved in educational projects and prepare them for scientific research.

Wikipedia Department

This structural unit is actively involved in enhancing the astronomy section of the Ukrainian Wikipedia, with a primary focus on improving the scientific accuracy and quality of its articles.

Department of Communications

Its members manage the website, social media publications and audience engagement. They organize and implement partnership projects, as well as develop and support the CSF brand.